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International Tax Forms and Reporting Requirements

Webinar: ID# 1042380
Recorded On-Demand
About This Course:
Since 2017, the international tax landscape has become significantly more complex and the compliance and reporting requirements for companies and individuals have become equally complex.

The U.S. Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service have continued to rework and rerelease international informational filings on an annual basis. These forms and their updates are designed to address ever-evolving rules and regulations and taxpayers can find themselves struggling to keep up. With this in mind, it is of the utmost importance for companies and their leaders to stay up-to-date on international information filings to be in the best position to understand their obligations.

It is our goal to help participants understand what forms and information they need to file for themselves, their employers, and/or their clients. This course will focus on both foundational principles that we as tax advisors see misunderstood every day, as well as some of the more complex and nuanced parts of the forms that can be confusing and overwhelming if you aren't required to do them on a daily basis.What You'll Learn:Introduction and Overview of U.S. Federal International Informational Forms
  • Introduction and Agenda
  • General Structure of International Filings
Reporting for Investments in Foreign Entities
  • Which Foreign Investments Are Relevant and Which Forms Do You Need to File?
  • Foreign Corporations: Forms 5471 and 8621
  • Foreign Partnerships: Form 8865
  • Foreign Branches and Disregarded Entities: Form 8858
Reporting for Transactions: Forms and Statements
  • Payments for Foreign Parties: Forms 5472, the 1042 Series, and Withholding Certificates
  • Outbound Contributions: Forms 926 and Associated Statements
  • Inbound Liquidations: 332 Statement and 367(B) Notices
Foreign Corporations Doing Business in the U.S.
  • Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business: Form 1120-F
  • Protective and Treaty-Based Returns: Form 8833
  • Withholding Agent Responsibilities: Forms 8804 and 8805
Other Forms and Considerations
  • TCJA: GILTI, BEAT, FDII, and 163(J) (the 8990 Series)
  • Connecting the Form 1120 Schedules C and M-3 to International Inclusions
International Tax Forms and Reporting Requirements
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