Retirement Plan Training
Need Training For Retirement Plan Administration?
Whatever your needs - whether it is to expand your practice by offering retirement planning, retirement plan administration, answer client questions related to retirement plan administration, to get updates to retirement plan rules or changes, or find 401k plan training, defined contribution training, or defined benefit plan training - we can help!
The Responsibilities Of A Retirement Plan AdministratorA retirement plan administrator is the person or company your employer selects to manage its retirement savings plan. The plan administrator is responsible for working with the plan provider to ensure that the plan meets government regulations, keeping the pension on sound financial footing, and ensuring employees have the information needed to enroll, select, and change investments in the plan, apply for a loan if the plan allows loans, and request distributions.
The Basic Government Regulations For Retirement PlansA "qualified" plan must satisfy the Internal Revenue Code in both form and operation. That means that the provisions in the plan document must satisfy the requirements of the Code and that those plan provisions must be followed. Common elements of a qualified retirement plan include:
- Plan Document (describes who is covered, who benefits, and what contributions or benefits will be provided)
- Minimum Participation, Vesting, and Distribution Requirements
- Retirement Plan Reporting and Disclosure
Employers should establish practices and procedures to ensure the plan is not only operated in accordance with the plan document, but have a process for getting updated on the laws, regulations, limites, etc., as they frequently change.
Featured Retirement Plan Administration Training Courses
Become A Certified Retirement Administrator with our 401k certification, Defined Benefit certification, and other pension plan administration certificate programs that provide information needed for retirement planning administration. Listed below are our recommended retirement plan training courses. These courses are self-paced, online courses that can be taken from the convenience of your home or office.
401(k) Training & Certification Program
Need a 401k certification? Our 401(k) Plan Training & Certification Program is loaded with information on plan design, administrative options, and compliance requirements to help you understand the many and complex 401(k) rules and the required information needed for retirement planning administration.
Defined Benefit Training & Certification Program
Our Defined Benefit Plan Training & Certification Program is loaded with information on plan design, administrative options, and compliance requirements for establishing and managing a Defined Benefits Plan.
Cash Balance Plans Training & Certification Program
This course's award-winning interface is certified for design excellence by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD), and contains numerous tips, examples, and interactive content so that you are confident that you are learning, and in where your strengths and weaknesses lie.
Plan Loans Training & Certification Program
This course provides an overview of the rules that apply to participant loans under qualified plans (including 403(b) plans). It will help you understand these rules, and includes numerous tips, examples, and procedural recommendations that are interspersed with interactive Q and A sessions to help your learn quickly.
Spousal Rights & Consent Requirements Training & Certification ProgramThis course provides an overview of the spousal consent requirements as they apply to qualified plans (including 403(b) plans).
Required Minimum Distribution Training & Certification ProgramThis course provides an overview of the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules under IRC section 401(a)(9), as they apply to defined benefit plans.
Act now to become a Certified Retirement Administrator by ordering one of our Certified Retirement Administrator training courses.
Find Seminars, Webinars, And Online Training In Your Area
What Does A Retirement Plan Administrator Do?
A retirement plan administrator is responsible for managing a retirement fund / pension plan on behalf of its participants. The administrator can be someone at your organization or, more likely, works for a TPA. The retirement plan administrator:
- Works with the plan provider to ensure that the plan meets government regulations
- Ensures the funds are properly collected and distributed to all qualified participants
- Tracks contributions
- Handles loan requrests
- Minimize expenses
- Prepares required reports
What Are The Responsibilities Of A Retirement Plan Administrator?
According to the IRS, the employer is responsible for:
- Plan Documentation
The plan document must be written to comply with all requirements in the Internal Revenue Code. This includes:
- Reviewing the plan documents for changes in the law
- Communicating the plan's terms for participation, contributions and distributions
- Distribute required plan notices to the participants
- Administration
Whether you outsource or handle it in-house, your plan must be administered to follow its written terms and regulatory requirements. This includes:
- When employees are eligible to participate in the plan
- Types and amounts of allowable plan contributions
- Maintain records for participant accounts
- How employer contributions are divided among participants
- When participants are vested
- When and how benefits are paid
- Properly handle loans and withdrawals
- Non-discrimination and compliance testing
- Invest the plan funds and determine any associated fees
- Know and comply with your fiduciary responsibilities
- Reporting
Employers should review their plans annually to make sure they are operating properly. This includes:
- Filing the required forms and documents with the IRS or Department of Labor
- Correcting any errors
Make sure you are handling your retirement plan administration responsibilities correctly; order one of our retirement plan administration training courses today!
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